Monday, July 15, 2019

a day in our life

For as long as I've been reading blogs, some of my favorite blog posts are "a day in the life" posts.  So last Monday, on a very normal/boring day for Callie and I, I decided to document our day!  I've tried this several other times before and I always forget that I'm documenting sometime around lunch. I did pretty good on this particular day.  It was a mundane day, but one I know I will love to look back on years down the road.  

After Callie was born, with the exception of tax season, I started working three days a week.  I'm off on Mondays and Fridays.  Whenever dance is in session, I go to the dance studio on Monday nights.  Since it's summer time, Mondays are free of obligations and schedules for us.  While the rest of the world drags itself out of bed on Monday morning, we are sleeping in and resetting after what are usually fun-filled and busy weekends.  Mondays have quickly become my favorite day of the week!  This particular Monday was the week after VBS, so I was extra thankful for the change in pace.  Without further ado... our day...

We slept until after 9:00 Monday morning!  On days off, I usually wake up between 8:30 and 9:00.  As long as I lay in the bed with Callie, she will sleep as late as 9:30.  Even after she is awake, she is super snugly and doesn't mind hanging out in the bed awhile.  It takes her a little bit to pre-heat.  

Just before 10:00, I gave Callie some grapes for breakfast that I had chopped to death because I am paranoid about her choking on fruit (anything), and I got some things done in the kitchen.

After finishing off the grapes, she requested her DVD be turned on and I obliged because I was getting some things done around the house.  She wants this DVD on all day, every single day.  It's the Cedarmont Kids singing/acting out Bible songs and Austin and I both know it better than we wish we did.  Mama Jim got it for Callie for Christmas and I couldn't count the times we have watched it!  I got another Cedarmont Kids DVD for her off Amazon a week or so ago, and she cried when I turned it on because it wasn't the same.  So much for some variation. 
Her face when I tell her to smile cracks me up.
In the meantime, I saw Mama Jim and Daddy Jim outside in the garden.  After they had picked the peas, I spotted them on the swing up the hill from our house shelling.  I changed out of my pajamas, got Callie some clothes on and we rode the side by side up the hill to Mama Jim's to "help".  By this time it was about 11:00.  The day flies by whenever you sleep until 9:30.  We enjoyed some swinging and pea shelling.  I mostly tried to keep Callie from throwing shelled peas into the yard.

At 12:00. we went back home and Callie had leftover spaghetti for lunch.

After she finished, I attempted to eat a sandwich but not without her watchful eye on me.  Eating is never okay unless she is participating.  She is a big fan of drinking tea out of my Yeti cup with a straw, and who could blame her.  She gets it honest.  She says "tea" now and refers to all drinks as "tea".
We both crashed for a nap from around 1:30-3:30. I guess you could say we sleep a lot.  Callie has gotten to where she will point to the bedroom (my bed, of course) whenever she is ready for a nap! She shakes her head  yes whenever I ask if she wants to go get in the bed!  She does the same thing at bedtime. She usually wants some milk, her baby and a paci and she will go to sleep after some tossing and turning.   

After we got up from the nap, I went back to Mama Jim's to get some fresh peas to cook for supper with stewed squash from the garden and leftover pork chops that Austin had cooked the night or two before.  We hung out at Mama Jim's for a while playing and waiting for her to get the peas washed, before heading home with them.

I kind of left the door open while I was in the kitchen because Callie was entertained and playing with Daisy on the back porch.  
This is her face whenever I tell her she can have ONE popsicle.  Usually one turns into three.  She knows we keep the popsicles in the freezer that's in the shed out back.  If she's outside, she always wants a popsicle.  
Around 5:30, Daddy got home and supper was almost ready.

I don't have any picture evidence, but I think Mama Jim came and got Callie and they rode the side by side in the pasture while Austin and I ate supper.  They do that a lot.  The one (or more) hours when Mama Jim gets Callie in the evenings are sometimes the most productive part of my day.  Other times, I just use the time to take a shower or maybe to do nothing.  Monday is Bachelorette night, so I caught a little bit of that and then Mama Jim and Callie picked me up and we went over to the swamp where Daddy Jim was bush hogging to pick him up.  Austin was at the swamp spraying, too.  
At 9:00, we had had our baths and were ready for bedtime.  
I love these kind of days!

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