Monday, July 15, 2019

a new addition

We have big news!
Callie Taylor is going to be a big sister!!

WOWZA- I can't even believe I am typing this post.  I remember whenever we found out I was expecting Callie Taylor I tried to write a blog post and after I erased the first sentence a dozen times, I just quit.  There was no blog post announcing Callie's arrival, although that one line is still saved and waiting to be published.  I just couldn't find the words, but I think they may come this go round!
I did write a little bit about finding out I was expecting Callie in the post I did for her first birthday.  If I was good at this blogging stuff at all, I would link to that post here.  Since I am not, you'll just have to scroll back and find it.  Anyway- finding out about Baby Byrd#2 feels a little bit like de je vu, even down to the time frame!  I found out I was expecting Callie the Wednesday after the dance recital on Saturday.  Soon after that, we went to Satartia with my family for Memorial Day where I had to keep the secret.  Much the same happened this time around, I just found out about two weeks after the recital instead of one! I don't have the exact dates, but the similarities are crazy!

 Days or maybe even hours after having Callie, I can remember saying out loud that I could not imagine not doing that again.  It was just such a beautiful thing that I knew I wanted to do it again!  And maybe even again after that!  Multiple children has always been our plan, but I didn't exactly think it would come this soon!!  Life happens before you can turn around.  Goodness!  Callie will be exactly two years old when this baby is born.  Callie's birthday is January 8th 2018.  My due date is January 21st, but Dr. Reeves took Callie one week early, so that would make it January 14th.  They're going to have super close birthdays if all goes as planned, and hopefully it will.  

As excited as we are about growing our family, I can't help but worry a little about Callie.  Have I had time to enjoy just her enough?  Will she even like the new baby?  How's she going to handle sharing our attention?  And the list goes on....
While all of those fears are lurking in the back of my mind, I am also really excited about the friendship I hope she has with her new little brother or sister and just the thought of  her meeting the baby for the first time makes my heart want to explode!

We are so very grateful for this new addition!  We are going to have our hands full, but I know our hearts will be, too. Here's to Baby #2!

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